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Prices may vary depending on square footage and other foreseen factors or complications.
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Yes, we offer a satisfaction guarantee for all of our work. In the case that you are not satisfied with the job, we will ensure to make it right so that not only you are happy with the results, but so that we can make sure you are receiving our highest efforts to remodel your home.
Cash, Credit, and Checks are all accepted.
We will drive to anywhere in the surrounding Charlotte area for consultations and jobs but we are based out of West Charlotte near the Charlotte-Douglas Airport.
You can email us at or call at +1 (877) 337-7227. Please give us 24-48 hours to reach back out to you regarding your future inquisitions.
Our hours are 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday unless stated otherwise.
Yes, we are accredited with the Better Business Bureau.
After so many years, you begin to lose track but I can guarantee I have had a long path in this craft which can be vouched by friends, family, and customers.
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